Palanca - Prayer requests

Each month will be praying for the various parishes and 4th Day Communities within Chester Diocese and for those in the worldwide community

Gracious God, from you everything flows and in you all things have their being. Forgive us for spoiling your gift of creation, so wonderfully crafted and freely given: for the times when we have forgotten your imprint on creation and have abused it; for the times when we have caused needless waste and damage; for the times when we have chosen momentary pleasure over long-term necessity. Grant that we may thank you for your gift of creation by conserving natural resources and by using only that which we need. May our stewardship of your world be a true example of Christian care. Amen

In this month we ask for your continued prayers for the deanerys of Chester.

The Diocese is encouraging us to download the Prayermate app and use that to pray for our churches. Search for Chester Diocese in the app and add it to one of your subject lists, and then each day the prayer from the Diocesan Cycle will appear.

Prayermate Click to download the app

Please pray that the power of the Holy Spirit will encourage and inspire the clergy and congregations of the following Churches to deepen their faith and spread God’s love in their communities:

Loving God.  We lift up our church leaders to you. For ministers and deacons who guide and guard our spiritual welfare; for lay ministers, pastoral workers and the ordinary people who do your work for their love of You. Instill shepherd hearts in them. Lead them to walk with you and showcase your love, mercy and forgiveness. 


Prayer Vigil for international weekends

Prayer Vigils for July 2024

Community Name: KZN Emmaus
Event Description: Girls Chrysalis Flight #139 Event Dates: 04-07 Jul 2024
04-07 Jul 2024 African Enterprise, Pietermaritzburg

Community Name: Staton Correctional Facility Event Description: Men Kairos Inside #39 Event Dates: 11-14 Jul 2024
11-14 Jul 2024 Elmore, Alabama

Community Name: Westville Women
Event Description: Westville Women Inside Weekend #10 Event Dates: 18-21 Jul 2024
18-21 Jul 2024 Africa/Johannesburg

Community Name: Highlands Emmaus
Event Description: Women’s Emmaus Walk #63 Event Dates: 18-21 Jul 2024
18-21 Jul 2024 Virginia

UK weekends:

None scheduled for July.

We ask God’s blessings on these weekends; time spent in the warmth of God’s love and His reassuring truth; all renewed in God’s faithfulness and strength. Amen

Continued prayers asked for Lichfield Diocese as they work on re-establishing Cursillo within their community. 

May God’s love surround them and God’s spirit guide them and sustain them as beacons of God’s love in their communities.


We also keep in our prayers the Cursillo Weekend taking place in October 2024.  We pray the next months of planning are fruitful in all aspects. We pray for the participants, knowing the joy of living in God’s love which they will experience.



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