Weekend Application Form

Please download the application form to complete and then return it by post to the address shown, together with the required deposit.

The Cursillo Weekend

A Cursillo weekend is two days long, normally running from Friday evening through to Sunday afternoon. All weekends are led by a team of lay people and clergy, who have all experienced a Cursillo weekend themselves.

During the weekend the participants (Cursillistas) will live, worship and learn together. Talks will be given by the leaders on some of the main areas of Christian life and faith, such as grace, faith and action. These areas will also be discussed in group workshops and reinforced with opportunities for prayer and quiet reflection.


We believe everything should be supported by prayer so we ask individuals to support new members before, during and immediately after their attendance on a weekend, this is known as Companionship. A Companion can also provide advice and practical support (not financial).

As a matter of courtesy, we notify your parish priest that you have applied to come on the weekend.

After the Weekend

After the weekend we continue our Christian life together, and this is the most important part of Cursillo as we support and encourage one another through local groups and meetings.

Funding of Cursillo

Chester Cursillo Weekends are funded from money that is donated to us. This weekend is a gift to you, after your Weekend, you will have the opportunity to make a donation towards the cost of future weekends. There is absolutely no obligation and the amount is left entirely up to you.

Donations can be anonymous (unless you want us to reclaim tax under the Gift Aid scheme, for which forms will be available) and may be given at any time – whether before, during the Weekend or at a later date.

However, we do ask you to pay a deposit of £20. This deposit is not normally refundable if you cancel your attendance less than six weeks before the date of the Weekend.

If payment of the deposit would present you with particular difficulty, please speak, in confidence, to our Weekend Co-ordinator (see below), who can make alternative arrangements with you.

The Venue

The Chester Cursillo weekends are held in autumn each year at Foxhill Conference Centre, near Frodsham.   

To apply, please return this form, together with your deposit of £20.00 (unless you have arranged otherwise), to the address shown below. Cheques should be made payable to Chester Cursillo.

Your application will be acknowledged in writing, and further details, including directions to the venue, will be provided a few weeks before the date of the Weekend.

Further information

Further information can be found at:  www.chestercursillo.org.uk or by contacting the Weekend Coordinator:

Veronica Hydon

e-mail: weekend-coordinator@chestercursillo.org.uk



Weekend Application Form  - PDF

Weekend Application Form  - .docx

Servant community Weekend Application Form - PDF

Servant community Weekend Application Form - .docx




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